Thursday, June 19, 2008

Beginning of Summer!!!

We are enjoying our summer!!! We've been busy playing with water guns and big bubble makers in our backyard. We also enjoy our new slip-n-slide!

We went to the Houston Zoo the first week in June and the boys loved it!!!! Their favorite animal was the tiger. He was swimming in the water.

We also went to the beach for a day, which is easy to do since we only live about 45 minutes from the beach now. The kids really enjoyed it and we will probably go back next week!

Kaden has been "practicing" trumpet...only he's using the mouthpiece in the mute, instead of in the trumpet...

We also recently celebrated Kaden's 2nd birthday. We had family and some friends over and Kaden had a great time!! As you can see, Kaden had lots of "help" opening his presents!

This week we have been participating in Vacation Bible School at our church. Cameron and Kaden are both having a blast. Cliff and I are teaching the 6th graders, which is quite a change from the younger kids that I am used to!!! But, I'm having fun!

We are looking forward to the rest of our summer, which includes a trip to Steamboat Springs, CO.


Karen said...

Kendra, I love it! The kids are getting SO big! I want you to come to Abilene and teach me to blog! We miss you being so close..Granbury was much easier to get to than Mount Belview! Looking forward to more updates! Come see us! Love, Aunt Karen and Uncle Dan

Brianna Allen said...

My mom told me you had a blog! I'm so glad! It will be so good get updates on how ya'll are doing! I can't believe how tall Cameron is! I hope we get to see ya'll this summer some time! Love ya'll!